Tuesday, July 9, 2013


So many discussions and articles talk about bipolar I and bipolar II as if they are completely separate disorders, when in fact, they are not. They are both the same illness, bipolar disorder, just at different points on one spectrum. What's the difference between being 6 months pregnant or 8 months pregnant? You're still pregnant.

Research shows that you can progress up the bipolar spectrum in time and if it is not treated properly. So, moving from BPII to BPI is a constant and legitimate concern for those currently pinpointed at BPII on the spectrum. Bipolar is a progressive disorder, according to the Natinal Institute of Mental Health. Hypo (used to describe mania in BPII) simply means shortened or less than. So,with age or if you are not being treated with the right medications or by a reputable psychiatrist, there is a great risk  in progressing upward on the bipolar spectrum.

BPI and BPII do have different symptoms and struggles, but I think it is imperative that we don't think of them as two separate disorders. We are all figthting the same battle, and hoping they advance  the science behind the disorder to find better treatment options and possibly a cure someday.

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